Sunday, 1 October 2017

I'm Doing Blogtober!


I've been busy this week preparing for the beginning of university and getting ready for all my modules, and I'm so ready for the year to start and at the same time terrified! I've also been preparing for the mental strain of the year, and have allocated time every week to de-stress, and coming up with ways to relax if or when I have time to. It's been a hectic week and this weekend has been a nice way to wind down but also prepare for my first week back at university which starts tomorrow.

I finally decided to cave and do Blogtober this year, and I'm actually so excited to be creating new content quickly and yet to the same standard we've all come to expect (potentially even better, you lucky things!) There's a few reasons why I decided to do it this year, so I thought I would use my first post to explain why and outline what type of content you can expect for the next thirty days.

The first and most prevalent reason is that others are doing it and I really want to get on board. I read lots of blogs and whenever they do Blogtober I get excited at having a few posts to read each day, they make the month that extra bit special. Also, it allows a lot of my favourite bloggers to loosen up their style because they're having to create new content daily. If they do schedule ahead (I have done some posts already to save time and because I'm a very busy student this year!) then they've really thought about their schedule and ensured something new every day. I like the unpredictable nature of Blogtober, and the endless possibilities it presents very niche bloggers. So, imagine how crazy it's going to be for me and my quirky little blog where I have no filter or specific type of post - crazy right?!

The second reason I was drawn to Blogtober like a moth to the flame was because October is without a doubt my favourite month of the year. There's so many amazing things in the month and also it's the first full month we feel autumn in full swing, and oh boy do I love it! If you know me, or follow me on Twitter then you know I like nothing more than baggy jumpers, cosy clothes, mugs of tea, candles and soups, and autumn is the season I can do this without any judgement. Autumn is like coming home, and it' so good. This also means I will be showcasing my favourite teas, cosy creature comforts and hopefully some cosy yet healthy and nutritious recipes this month.

The final big reason is Halloween. I love everything spoopy (not a typo, embrace the spoop!), and I am already so excited to make my costume. I am torn between two costume ideas and I am still unsure which to go for (friends, if I've told you what I was thinking I have found another idea and need advice, please help me!) I mean, who doesn't love the season? There's pumpkins, squashes and other root veg to make amazing foods with, the craft shops and all the stores sell really good stuff you want but don't need yet buy anyway, and there's cheap cool sweets and food literally everywhere! I love this month, and it also means I get to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, arguably my most favourite film ever, as many times as I want without judgement. 

I've got some amazing posts planned, and lots of variety so I can guarantee you'll love at least one of my posts this month. I'm going to share recipes, film recommendations, book reviews, costume ideas on a budget, my ever-growing vinyl collection (so many requests, I've finally given in!), gig reviews and many more. The aim is a post every day, and I am going to try my hardest to make sure it happens, even if it's a basic post about my day! I hope you are all ready for his weird little journey we're about to go on.

 Watch scary films or slightly spooky films like Hocus Pocus in your jumpers and blankets, get cosy with your pumpkin-spice lattes or other hot beverages and don't forget to come back and read my posts and enjoy Blogtober with me!

(Update: the word 'candy' was changed for 'sweets' as it was pointed out I am not American, my bad!)

B x

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