Tuesday, 3 October 2017

20 Facts About Me


I've changed my schedule today because I needed to have a day where I didn't have to do lots of writing because I've been preoccupied with uni stuff - I didn't want to upload a pre-written post today because I want to save those for days when I am super busy or just cannot face writing/editing anything.

Yes, I'm spotty and I look shattered, but uni is in full swing and I think I look good considering!

I thought this would be a nice and short post which would tell you things about me you may not have already known. Some of my close friends will know these things, but I am not sure how many others will, so here are twenty facts about little old me.

1. I buy more than one copy of my favourite books just in case I damage them, or if they come in different editions and have beautiful colours on them!

2. I've been vegan for over a year and a half, but I still really miss cheese (I can't find a great vegan cheese, some are okay but I want to find a perfect one!)

3. I have an android phone and not an iPhone, because they cost so much and I don't really use my phone enough to justify spending that much - I'm happy with my little Samsung!

4. I'm going into my final year of university, but I have thought about dropping out and getting real life experience in the industry I want to go into three times.

5. I have twelve candles in my room, and most of them are almost run out but I don't want them to be done with because they smell amazing but cost money to replace - it's a bad cycle kids.

6. I've been practising my crocheting and knitting skills, and I am hoping to set up my Etsy shop again this year with a new username and to try and make some pennies there soon, I'll keep you guys updated as to if and when it happens

7. I still can't do a handstand, I can do forward rolls confidently now (I have been practising in my room be proud gymnastics and cheerleading pals past and present!)

8. I've been battling with my anxiety for years now, and I finally feel like I am starting to make some progress.

9. As much as I tell people Worthing is a boring town, I really miss it and how close it is to Brighton and how that's where the majority of my family and lots of my friends live. I miss them, but I miss the crappy seaside town too.

10. I don't have a favourite band, that's a horrible thing to ask anyone. I have several bands that I adore more than anything in the world and they're all perfect in their own ways, but current favourites are The Killers and Wolf Alice (check out their new albums please they are both very very good!)

11. I've got a registered disability. I don't claim financial support for it because I would feel guilty, I would rather someone who really needs it to have access to it. I might claim it in the future if it affects me so badly I cannot do things, but for now I am trying to cope the best I can independently.

12. I have an incredible support network of brilliant individuals who I know I can call come rain or shine regardless of the time of day. I have great people in my life, you all know who you are and know I appreciate you more than anything in the world.

13. I like to have several books and TV shows on the go. I know to some people this is crazy, but I like reading or watching different things in different moods.

14. I don't know how to drive. I am hoping to learn next year at some point if I can afford it, but I do not want to learn in Bath as the roads here are awful and I am a very anxious person. I can see it going horribly wrong for me!

15. I am not the same person I was before university. I have a backbone now; I don't let people walk over me. I have opinions about things I feel very passionately about that I now talk about as opposed to keeping to myself. This often leads to me being labelled as outspoken, but it's a title I will happily take because I'd rather be the new confident Beckie than the old Beckie who wouldn't speak up.

16. I find such joy in the little things. Seeing a dog across the street, the sound of the leaves crunching under boots, a new crochet hook, a hot cup of tea...you get the gist.

17. I don't know where I see myself in five years time, and I'm okay with that. Things have changed so much in the last year, so I don't know if I should try and predict where I should be five years from now, as it feels so long away. I know where I would like to be, but I might be able to do better than that, or it might not happen, so I'm taking every day and week as it comes.

18. I'm still a massive lightweight. Although I can handle one more cider than I could before university I seem to have lost my tolerance for alcohol. This does mean I can have a very cheap night out and have an amazing time, because I know my limits and always leave change in my purse for chips on the way hope!

19. I keep buying new notebooks even though I don't need them, and I have around nine notebooks that needs to be filled. My problem is that because I buy such lovely notebooks I feel that they must be filled with amazing beautiful content, which is a huge amount of pressure!

20. I'm really looking forward to my last year of university, because I'm surrounded by great people and I am doing a degree that I love and a dissertation alternative that will be perfect for me and my future aspirations. I am nervous, but very ready to tackle the year head-on and do it.

B x

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