Saturday 8 December 2018

Spare a Thought for FOH

Hey there!

Today's post is rather short and sweet (please don't all clap and rejoice at once!) I thought I would use today to ask for everyone to be mindful of anyone working in hospitality, customer service and retail during term festive period.

I know a lot of people already are, but as someone who works in hospitality currently and has worked in retail and other front-of-house positions I feel the need to reiterate that they/we are people too. For the most part, I have had nothing but positive experience with customers throughout all of these jobs, but I have heard and experienced some things that aren't okay.

So, please spare a thought for the baristas, the food and drink runners, the people on till, those working long hours to ensure you get your presents bought and food and coffees delicious and piping hot. Obviously if there's an issue please raise it, but practice kindness when you do and be patient. We make mistakes too, but we'll do out best to rectify it and make sure you leave with a smile on your face!

To summarise: don't be a dick this Christmas (or ever.)

Post over, better (and less ranty) content tomorrow.

B x

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