Friday 12 October 2018

Update: Glitching Out

Hi there!

Misty makes everything manageable
I've started, stopped, deleted and screamed at the screen twice when writing this post for almost two months now, but I've gone through and edited, rewritten and extended it to update people and also for my own clarity and sanity.

I have had so much to do, update, work on, work through, and achieve that I've just not had any time for this whatsoever. Instead of putting out mediocre content that I'm just not proud of, I thought I would write something that I felt served a purpose. I've stopped writing for any form of profit, I don't use AdSense anymore or do any sponsored content because in all honesty that's why I started hating blogging and I want to reclaim my love for writing again. I want to write for me, and if it helps or entertains anyone else then that's a bonus.

I want to talk about glitching out. This is a term I've started using for when I just need to get out of the loop and drop off of the grid. Glitching out has helped me with my mental and physical health a number of times over the last few months, and has allowed me to process my thoughts and feelings and to deal with them in a productive, constructive and safe way. I glitch out of social situations the most, and I will actively avoid gatherings when glitching out as I've learned that it is fine to need to be in my own company and put myself first. I am so lucky to have been blessed with the most wonderful and understanding people that don't try and relate or 'get' me, they let me do my thing and reassure me they're there if I need (I already know this but hearing it does help a LOT!)

Sometimes I go home to glitch out, to escape the things in my life here in Bath that scare and stress me out. I know this is the equivalent of running to your mum when you think you heard something in the night, but honestly it helps oh so much. Being at home by the seaside and walking up Highdown (a special place at home - if you live in Worthing or near it then PLEASE go it is BEAUTIFUL) and being around my beautiful best friend and ball of floofy joy Misty lifts my spirits and cleanses my mind. I come back to Bath rejuvenated and ready to tackle the problems and things that are making me sad or anxious.

I've also been glitching out of my current life all too much as of late - I try and picture myself in other places and I try and avoid going home. I'm a lot better in the last couple of weeks, but I've been really bad in my own company lately, and it's something I want to keep getting better at. When I first moved to uni I would drink too much and get sad because I was trying to keep up with others, and I hated every aspect of it. Now, I can be in my own company without feeling sad or lonely (I just kinda wish misty was here too so i could see her dumb face as I give her a big belly rub!)

So that's my weird and rambly (yet edited) life update - I'm doing okay and I'm muddling through but it's not been a picnic. I'm getting there, and I'm glitching out less and less as the days go by. I've got some time off work to work on me a bit more, so hopefully I'll be posting again soon.

It's totally okay to glitch out sometimes, just take care

(endnote: glitch out with a dog around, it helps.)


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