Sunday 22 January 2017

Life Update


So, I'm no longer a teenager anymore, I have post-teen angst and I'm really excited to see what my twenties bring me in regards to my personal life, my work-life and all aspects in-between! I've been super busy this month so I have yet to post any content on here, but I am back now so look forward to regular uploads and some pretty cool content!

I've been busy doing the student thing, one of my modules has now finished for the year so I get like 12 hours a week back which means more blog posts, more reading time, more writing for other projects and I can do more uni work other than editing the same manuscript for three months. I've found a gym I want to join, and I've spent more time looking after myself and my mental health. Things are really looking up from here!

If you know me or have me on social media, then you'll already know, but I am now a writer for new online music magazine FEISTY which is really fun and I get to cover lots of new music bits and I've hopefully got some work in that line which I can relate to my blog and will for sure excite some of you, so go follow them on social media platforms and check out their website to get the latest updates on everything music related.

I've been reading a book every week this year thus far, and so far I've completed The Psychopath Test, Fight Club, Dracula and Beowulf, and I'm just about to start reading Matthew Lewis' The Monk which my Gothic Origins lecturer has been telling me to read since we started the module, so I'm excited to read all about that!

I've bought fancy teas and coffees to get myself motivated, and even a ridiculously huge monitor because now editing and creating content is going to be so much easier! I always forget the importance of making sure you have good coffee and tea, because if you put crap into your body, you are going to feel like crap. I've been eating better and it's beginning to show now, I am getting less spotty over time and I feel better in myself.

Investing in these 'To-Do' sheets from Knock Knock has made it so much easier to manage my time and keep myself on track, and the satisfaction of physically ticking or crossing things off keeps you motivated to do more. I highly recommend writing things down as it acts as a physically reminder as opposed to putting something in a calendar and forgetting about it until the actual day, especially for uni deadlines!

All in all, I've been super busy with lots of different things, but I have now managed to get to the point where I have some free time again which is rad. I'm already working on next week's post, so check in again next week for new content!

B x

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