Hi everyone!
I haven't done a post in a little while now - Reading happened (festival not book reading, but the amount of puns and jokes people made it could well have been at times!) and I had been so hyped I actually forgot to schedule the upload of a post I had written when trying to be an organised human, but let's face it, that's probably never gonna happen because it's me. I wanted to share with everyone the top 5 acts I was excited for, but why bother now so I've decided to go off on a tangent and avoid Reading until my photos get developed, so stay tuned!
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This is the most recent picture of me - I reckon it's pretty fitting plus a cute Clefairy in the bathroom amirite? |
I was looking through my blog and wondering what to write
about next - I've not really had a lot of time lately and that plus a lack of
motivation wasn't good for me or my mental health. I went online and looked at
some blog post ideas for when you don't really have much motivation and I saw
some really cool ones (I
want to regularly upload, I really do). I eventually found one I felt
comfortable doing and I knew wouldn't take me too long either, and I felt it
would give you all a few facts about me that maybe you already knew, or maybe
you didn't, so here goes!
1. My full name is Rebecca, but people never really call me
this (mum is the exception)
2. My favourite colour is yellow because it's so vibrant and
fresh and neutral
3. I love sunflowers and gerberas, because I have hay-fever
and they're two of the only flowers that don't trigger it, plus they're
beautiful (two facts in one, BAYM)
4. I still have soft toys on my bed - this may sound dumb
because I'm 19 nearly 20 and I live away from home, but they mean a lot to me
and I think they look really cool lined up on my bed, plus they're great when
you're feeling overwhelmed or need something to hold when the movie is a tad
too scary!
5. I own roughly 200 books (this is only roughly because I
have bought loads of books in the last three weeks and last time I counted them
all I had 190) and I want more
6. I keep all my tickets and whenever I go to a gig I like
getting something physical so I have a reminder of the whole night to keep forever
7. My first gig was actually to go and see Scissor Sisters
with my auntie waaaaay back in 2010 in Brighton - judge me all you want but I
reckon it's one of my top 5 gigs of all time
8. Whenever someone asks me about my favourite film I panic
and revert to the one from my top 10, like right now it's Napoleon Dynamite (my
top 10 always changes, because having only 10 favourite films is silly because
there's so many good films from different genres)
9. I only got my record player on my 18th birthday (nearly
two years ago now) and I already have 90 LP's and 11 singles for it - I have a
problem and I need to stop
10. I am rather old-fashioned, I prefer making gifts as
opposed to buying them, I still buy physical copies of albums I love, books
will always be superior to kindles and downloads
11. My favourite animals are sloths and one day I intend to
go and volunteer at a sloth sanctuary
12. I am a buddhist, this always throws people a little and
they often ask me why I have hair and about my religion, I don't see it as a
religion more a faith and form of moral code if you will of how to be a decent
13. I regularly do guided meditation and I have managed to
leave my body before in the process, which was terrifying but thrilling at the
same time
14. Baking is a huge hobby of mine, it has helped me when I
feel so low I don't feel anything, besides, cake makes everything a little bit
better and watching bake off makes you want to bake even more
15. I am really good at finding a bargain, like, really
good. This comes in handy when I've only got £10 for a weekly shop and I manage
it and I get snacks too (thank you mum for showing me the way)
16. I can knit and crochet pretty well - I make little baby
hats and booties for the babies in the hospitals, always in gender neutral
colours because they look far more vibrant than just plain old blue and pink
(most people prefer the yellow ones!)
17. I went vegan back in February, but before that I had
been a vegetarian for a long time and I really don't miss bacon, sorry to
shatter the stereotype but bacon tasted yuck to start with
18. I've never been 100% happy with myself in regards to my
physical and mental states - I don't expect to ever be 100% happy with myself,
but i'm learning to not let it bug me half as much as it used to
19. I'm a dog person. Dogs are a million times cooler than
cats and I'm not even sorry.
It's been real,
B x
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